In this day and age almost everyone is taking a victim’s mentality and blaming somebody else for their failures and inadequacies. I’m sick of hearing the excuses. Look, if you’re broke it’s your fault because of the decisions you’ve made in your life. Not mine, your mother’s, agent orange, or any other bogus excuse you can offer. If you’re one of these whiners then do yourself a favor and leave before your feelings get hurt.
OK, if you’re with me so far than you’re somebody who takes responsibility for you life. I like you already and the good news is no matter what your current financial situation, education, credit, or SAT score you can use real estate investing to plan for your retirement or make a fortune. Now let’s give into some practical real estate investing advice.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #1
There is no magic pill. Let’s be realistic and acknowledge there is no magic pill you can take one night where you wake up the next morning rich, at your perfect weight, and have all your problems magically disappear. Success with real estate investing can come fast, real fast, but it will require some effort and action on your part.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #2
This is the land of opportunity. It never ceases to amaze me how many immigrants come to this country with no money, no language skills, and no formal education and in just a few short years they can be living the American Dream with a thriving business that employs a bunch of lazy Americans (that could have done the same thing had they gotten off their derriere). If they can become successful starting with so little then take inventory of your assets and make things happen!
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #3
You Determine Your Success. Your success or failure in everything you do is your responsibility alone. Every successful person that accomplished anything worthwhile in life had plenty of opportunities where they could have quit and thrown in the towel but they didn’t. Will you have challenges to overcome? Absolutely. If it were easy then everyone would do it.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #4
Don’t Procrastinate. Nothing will sabotage your success faster than putting off things you need to do. Investing just one hour a day for one year is the equivalent of 9 forty hour workweeks! Don’t underestimate the power of an hour.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #5
Deals Are Created Not Found. When investing in real estate approach every deal with the mindset of solving a problem in which the answer is unknown. First you must know what the seller wants then go about finding ways to solve the problem. Do they want debt relief, cash, to take a world vacation, to purchase another house, to put their kids through college, etc? For instance if a seller wants their equity in cash the next question is what do you plan on doing with the cash? If they answer put it in the bank or invest in cd’s there is an opportunity for owner terms because you can show them how they can earn a high rate of return on their money secured by real estate.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #6
Invest In Education. Look, if you are being el cheapo and crawling the internet for free articles and how to advice your approach is backwards. Sure, there are a few gems out there but it is much easier to buy someone else’s knowledge and experience than to go it alone and gain knowledge and experience from the school of hard knocks. Trust me, I’ve tried both and not only is paying for knowledge and experience faster it’s much cheaper than screwing up and fixing your own mistakes(been there and done that a few times too many). And while you want to invest in your education do it wisely and make sure the source of the information is credible in their experience and knowledge.
If you are starting in real estate investing you read “Real Estate Magic 101 – How To Get Rich In Real Estate Even If You Are Dead Broke!” This unique book should be read by every person considering a real estate career, whether it be as Realtor, investor, or developer. Especially impressive is the amount of detail and how to advice that can be found in the book. If you are looking to learn how to buy at wholesale prices then check out Kick Ass Wholesaling and you’ll learn how to buy and sell without cash or credit to generate quick cash or as a way of finding your own deals.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #7
Invest In Marketing. This may come as a surprise to many but learning how to market and advertise is one of the best investments you can make if you are in any type of business. Marketing is the ability to get the customer to contact you and regardless of your business you need customers. Most marketing courses are a waste of money. Real marketers understand that marketing is about dollars invested vs. dollars returned. Period. Have you ever seen those million dollar super bowl commercials? Is there anyway for those companies to measure the effectiveness of their million dollar advertisement that lasted 30 seconds? One million dollars blown is 30 seconds with no known return on investment.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #8
You Get What You Deserve. In nutrition the expression is “You are what you eat.” In measuring your success the expression is “You are what you invest in.” If you invest your time in watching the latest TV hits you’re going too educated on TV shows. If you invest in your knowledge and take action wealth and success will be yours. Do you deserve a nice house or cockroach infested dive? The choice is yours.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #9
Manifest Your Life. You have the ability to create the life you want. But, and there is always a but, you have to believe it is possible for you. Telling yourself that you are healthy, wealthy and wise does very little for you if your self image is that you are out of shape, broke, and ignorant. What is your self image?
Many people tell themselves they want to be wealthy but deep down they have a negative connotation attached to being rich. Every hear the term “filthy rich.” Until you feel worthy being successful and having riches in your life you will struggle to reach and hold on to them.
Real Estate Investing Advice Tip #10
You Are Who You Hang Out With. Have you ever noticed that broke people have broke friends and rich people have rich friends? Here’s a quote to live by:
“You are the same person 5 years from now except for the people you meet, the books you read, and the CD’s or MP3’s you listen to.”
Right now take a look at the 5 people you spend the most time with. Do they enrich your life and embrace your goals? Do they encourage you to be successful? Do they push and challenge you or are they better suited for drinking beer and watching TV? The cold hard truth is a lot of people need to change who they spend their time with if they want to become successful. This is a difficult decision since it often involves close friends and family.
The truth is you are going to be as successful as you make up your mind to be. The only thing that is really standing in your way from you having everything you want and deserve in life is you!
Wishing you all the success in life you deserve and have the guts to get!
Real Estate Investing can be easy....just go to and check it out.
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