Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gerald Romine's Politically Incorrect News

Hey Friend,

Getting Rid Of The Bad Apples

“…a line can then be drawn at the minimally acceptable profitability. Those customers below the line constitute the agenda for either remedial action or customer pruning.”

-Richard Sloma

As real estate investors our deals and opportunities represent customers. Some we want, some we don’t.

I’ve never been afraid to walk away from a deal, because of the principle of abundance; that the created vacuum will fill with better deals (given that you are creating deal flow). I have walked away from deals for a variety of reasons, beginning very, very, early in my career.

One good reason to cut a deal is that the deal is not sufficiently profitable. Sounds simple… but you would not believe how many people are still running out their trying to do deals because they think there is enough margin for profit.

Another good reason to cut a deal is you are not financially strong enough to weather a storm, carry a property, or maintain a property. Just think of all those foreclosures that are happening because the owners can’t cover the payment. Many bought the properties banking solely on the appreciation with no back up plan if the properties did not sell.

This was brought home on the training webinar when I asked John Peirro how the Ultimate Real Estate Investing System had helped him the most. John’s answer was very insightful and wise. John was thankful for the deal UREI kept him out of that he otherwise would of made and regretted.

The training webinar and special will end tonight at midnight.

Now Go Buy A House!

Gerald Romine

PS – You should read the eMail below AGAIN. I encourage you to watch the training video today while it is still online. I’ve had not even ONE complaint about the quality and content of the training but countless requests to keep the webinar available because people are going through it 2,3,4 even 5 times and taking notes.

Hey Catherine,

Whiners Piss Me Off! But Since I Erred This Is What I’ll Do

This morning I checked my email and a bunch of people wanted to take advantage of the $500 savings, learn the secret formula second lenders are using for short sales, and watch the training webinar that ended at midnight last night.

The hard cold reality is when I have a special price and savings it is legitimate. That special ended last night at midnight on the EASTERN time zone and thereafter the code “training” would not work. A lot of guru’s run what I call “jewelry store specials” that you can find 365 days of the year. Sorry
Catherine, but that’s now how we do it. When it is over it is over.

Then there’s the people who complained that the link did not work- turned out their ISP settings were wrong. I’m serious on this… actually happened. Still, that ain’t my fault.

And there are the people who say they did not have time to watch it but yadda, yadda yah. The truth is we all have 1,440 minutes in our day, we all lead busy lives, we all have excuses, etc. Make time.

finally there were the people that wanted the FREE WEBSITE on short sales and foreclosures that eliminates them from having to go to a 5K bootcamp. They wanted me to just give them the address so they didn’t have to watch the video. Sheesh…. To freakin lazy to watch a damn good training video to receive a website address that saves them 5K and gives them everything they need to do the short sale business. If they are too lazy it is their problem. That website is pure content that took me weeks to build because the content is original. Heck, I might pull it off just because I get sick and tired of people with the free lunch mentality.

But, one person had a valid point. They went online to order at 11:34 PM Pacific and the code had already expired because it was Eastern.. I have to side with them because I did not say the deadline was midnight Eastern so I’ve extended the deadline until midnight on Monday February 18 and Midnight (EASTERN).

The original emails are below. The links are below.

Now Go Buy A House!


PS – I do not want to hear even one excuse on why you can’t watch the webinar, get the special offer, get the website link that was announced, etc. It’s FREE training so don’t complain. It’s an amazing savings and bonuses that I’ve just extended that is normally not even available. Not a word…

A Word Of Advice

This training webinar, special offer, free training, and secret formula are better information and content then you'll get from almost anybody at any price. Unfortunately, this is a special deal and this promotion and free training will not be offered after Monday.

Please make sure you watch the video by Monday at midnight. If you miss it don't be disappointed. We always want to make you happy, but a deal is a deal. Thanks for understanding.

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