Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Gerald Romine's Politically Incorrect News

What time is it right now? Write it down as this may be the defining moment in your life.

I am as serious as a heart attack. What I am about to say could change your life:

“Only 14 People Will Spend 3 Days With Me For My ‘Step-By-Step’ Real Estate Wealth Explosion and Asset Protection PRIVATE Seminar.”

You’ve never heard of anything like this because there has never been anything like this available. Only 14 people will be accepted because this is a private seminar about implementation and it can not be done in large scale to the masses.

Imagine the power of being shown my extreme income secrets like earning 42% fixed on your money! How about walking away from this event with complete asset protection in place? I’m talking about having all your asset protection and estate planning entities set up so you are protected like the Kennedy’s and Rockefeller’s. That’s right, you’ll actually leave with the your asset protection and estate planning entities in your hands PLUS the knowledge and understanding on how to use them… in other words complete and total asset protection!

Warning: Only 14 people will be permitted to attend this private seminar on extreme income explosion and asset protection.

To see all the details on what will be covered and how you can apply check out –

Now go buy a house,

Gerald Romine

PS – This private ‘Step-By-Step’ Real Estate Wealth Explosion and Asset Protection PRIVATE Seminar is limited to just 14 attendees. It will be private. It will be intense. You will be blown away by the experience. I guarantee it. Applications are time stamped and hesitating even 5 minutes could cost you this phenomenal opportunity. Take action now -

Now Go Buy A House!

Gerald Romine

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